Saturday, August 15, 2009


Attention: Anna: Online Talent Directory:

1st of all, we trust this finds you well. We just wanted to let you know here at PatEliCom™ which by the way was founded using the actor Eli Spruill's first and middle name, This is the name of his personal business, & coincidentally was also created the year of his sons birth 10 years ago this July. However the actor's original site has been misdirected, there for is no longer related to him or his business, or as actor model artist. We have an affiliate currently working on the new site and will notify you with the new address ASAP! Basically what we are communicating to you here is Eli, Pat the actor = Eli Spruill = is and can be googled + patelicom, eli spruill, or p.e.spruill and find any of the combination to be related to Eli Spruill. At any rate the original site was linked by Eli,Pat from to Eli Spruill and now it's not clear who it's linked to or affiliated with. It appears that someone just wanted to claim the domain, which to Eli S. doesnt matter one way or the other, it was just a website with a portion of his first and middle name. Thanks very much for your time and have a blessed day.



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